I am swearing off network television. Admittedly I only follow, at most, a show at a time, but with rare exceptions science fiction and fantasy don’t fare very well. So I get into a show and it invariably gets cancelled.
When Science Goes Stale
Last night, my husband and I watched Jurassic Park. To make you all feel as old as I do, Jurassic Park came out eighteen years ago, in 1993. I probably haven’t watched it in a decade, but I remember being
Vampires and Other Creatures that Lurk in the Night
Hm. Longest post title ever? Mayhaps! I recently won a book in a contest. It’s a collection of short stories called The Poison Eaters by Holly Black. Some of her novels are on my TBR list but this was my
Friday Round-up
Thank Landsquid it’s Friday, amirite? Space/Science Extreme Planet Makeover (Might be fun for world-building scifi/off-world fantasy) Some confusion over the existence of the Triceratops First One-Fingered Dinosaur Found (It is apparently Dinosaur Week. But that’s okay, because dinosaurs are awesome.) Picture of how