Tada! Here we go, guys! Every night the monsters hunt. A city that is the whole world: Theosophy and her companions in the City militia do their best to protect the civilians from the monsters, but they keep crawling from
Trying Out New Marketing
Happy Friday, Squiders. My apologies for once again dropping the blog when things get busy. Here’s the good things for this week: I figured out why my website was fubared and have fixed the issue (which took several emails to
Using Worldbuilding to Bring Your Story to Life
I’m into the final revision on this co-written story coming out in May, and there was some commonality among comments from the editor and our beta readers: The setting reads a little generic My main character’s initial plan seems a
Revising on a Deadline
I apologize for the lack of posts this week, Squiders. My website (which, you might remember, went down at the beginning of October) has become quite the job between browbeating my host to fix it (like they promised in October),
Why Do You Follow an Author?
Good news, Squiders! We got our novel off to the editor, so if all goes well, it should be out in the world around the beginning of the summer. Woo! Onwards. One of my goals for the year is to
5 Things I’ve Learned From Co-Writing a Novel
Well, Squiders, that novel I’ve been working on isn’t exactly done and off to the editor like I hoped, but it’s very close, and I’m kind of basking in the accomplishment of completion even though we’re not quite there yet.
Obligatory Nanowrimo Post
Alas, October draws to an end. And Nanowrimo looms. It’s interesting–I learned about Nano in 2002, started doing it back in 2003–and back then it was the weird indie thing, and maybe there were a couple thousand of us doing
It turns out that it’s rather exhausting to watch a table all weekend. When I got home Sunday night (and also for most of yesterday) I felt like this: (Coincidentally, I drew that at the con. You end up kind
Oh, Prologues
You know prologues, don’t you, Squiders? They lurk at the very beginning of some books, being all secretive and yet revealing at the same time. And then the first chapter starts and you have no idea what’s happening and who
And Now For Something Completely Different
(Psst, just FYI, Amazon has Shards for sale for $3 off! Not a bad deal for a new release.) I am severely tempted here to just quote Monty Python but that’s not actually the point of this post. Though maybe