Last night I finished reading my July writing book, called How to Write a Page Turner: Craft a Story Your Readers Can’t Put Down by Jordan Rosenfeld. It was one of those books that delivers a ton of information, way
Ill-advised Interludes
Ah, Squiders. I may be doing something very stupid, but I’m going to do it anyway and see how it turns out. You guys know I’ve been working on a rewrite for a while now. Well, I worked on getting
The Evolution of a Book Description
We talked in May and June about an older novel of mine, Shards, which came out in December of 2013, and how I suspected my book description for it was doing a terrible job of selling it due to a mismatch between
New Directions
Oof, squiders. Yesterday was rough. On top of it all, our one-day book blitz ran, so I needed to stop by the many many blogs throughout the day to respond to comments and whatnot. Oy vey, that’s tiring! I’ll give
Doing Your Own Marketing
Ah, Squiders. How I long for the days when all you had to do as an author was write the books, and someone else would sell them for you. I am not a good seller. You guys have probably noticed
Revisiting Published Stories
Morning, Squiders. I hope you all had a lovely long weekend (for American Squiders), or that you at least didn’t get stung by a bee and fall down the stairs like some other people I know. In slightly related news,
Writer Problems: Too Much Research
So, my husband and I were chatting last night, and he repeated something someone had said about guardian angels. Me> Did you know that the Muslims believe that you have two shifts of guardian angels? And people are most at
Autumn Sale–Everything only 99 cents!
So, exciting news, science fiction and fantasy lovers! Turtleduck Press is having a sale for the next week, and the ebook version of everything–all their anthologies, novels, and chapbooks–is only 99 cents! This includes both Shards and Hidden Worlds, as
Betas’ Memory (and How Trappings Color Readers’ Experiences)
My family seems to be very slowly making their way through Shards. It seems like every week a different cousin or aunt or uncle is reading it, which is honestly a bit flattering, that everyone’s bothering. Last week my mother told me
Smashwords’ Read an eBook Week and Free eBooks (and a ROW80 check-in)
So, last week, Smashwords sent out an email to all its minions to let them know that this week was going to be Read an eBook week, and that we could discount our books and join in if we wanted