Hello, squiders!
We’re going to start in on the writing around life nonfiction series. This is going to be a bit different from previous nonfiction topics since there’s going to be some overlap between sections. We’re going to organize the subject based on the major life event that’s getting in the way (or some combination of major life events).
Right now this looks like:
- School
- Work
- Kids
- School/Work
- School/Kids
- Work/Kids
- Kids/School/Work
I am also pondering a General Tips section that can be applied to any of the above, perhaps first, so people can look at the general tips, and then, if they feel like they need something more, go to the appropriate section for additional strategies to use.
(Reminder: If you’d like me to include some other major roadblock, please let me know so I can outline it in!)
As usual, I’ll probably also include a troubleshooting section, and I might also do a section on when it’s okay to let writing fall to the wayside. Not sure whether I’ll blog those or leave them for the book.
(Oh! And I finished the draft of my rewrite! It’s 116K, which sounds massive, but is fairly reasonable for high fantasy. Still got to read through it and hopefully catch crutch words–I’ve already identified “seemed” and “that” as problems–and other issues, but it’s essentially done and I can focus on other things. This week I’m working on two shorts–though the second may end up being a serial–and my monthly serial and I feel so very free.)
Let me know how the organization sounds and if you want/need something else included, and we’ll get into the meat of things next week!