Hooray! Happy day! My space dinosaur story is done! Well, the first draft is. It will need some work, like most first drafts do. But structurally it’s in pretty good shape, which is frankly a miracle because pacing is not
Working with an Ensemble Cast
I’m to the climax of the space dinosaur book, which is exciting! And also scary, because I’m trying out fencepost outlining for this particular project (basically, you identify the major plot points for your arcs–first plot point, midpoint, second plot
Hooray for July!
Oh man, squiders, you have no idea how happy I was when Monday rolled around. All the craziness of May and June are finally behind me and I feel like I can breathe again. It is lovely. Now that all the sundries
The Return of the Space Dinosaurs
Ugh, Squiders. It is already getting hot for the year, and I do not like hot. My Celtic and Scandinavian genes are not equipped to deal with this madness. (It could be worse. I could live in Arizona. Ha. Ha.
Limbo and April
I find myself in kind of a weird place right now. The sekrit project still needs work–most of that marketing stuff we talked about last week, though the excerpt has gone out for approval and will go up at the
Onward to Space Dinosaurs
Well, Squiders, I have finally finished my chainsaw edit of my YA paranormal/dark fantasy novel. It ended up being approximately 90,000 words, which makes it 15,000 words longer than the original draft. Most of the new stuff is related to
Obligatory Nanowrimo Post
Alas, October draws to an end. And Nanowrimo looms. It’s interesting–I learned about Nano in 2002, started doing it back in 2003–and back then it was the weird indie thing, and maybe there were a couple thousand of us doing