Okay! This is the last one of these for now. I love fantasy that is high fantasy, but as you get further into the book or series, hints start to be dropped. Ruins that sound familiar, or hints that there
Creating a Fantasy Pacific
Heigh ho, squiders, we’re still in the straits of Nano. As of mid-afternoon I’m at a little over 24000 words, so almost halfway, a little ahead of schedule. Not as ahead of schedule as I wanted to be, but eeehhh,
Language Barriers in Speculative Fiction
Hey hey, so apparently I was going to write this post two years ago, got as far as “WOO” and never went back to it. Good job on focusing, me. Language barriers are something common that you find in science
Depth of Setting
Well, Squiders, I’ve talked about Holly Lisle’s revision class before and how helpful I have found it when putting together my own revision process. I still reference the class often, even though I’m working on my fourth revision since I
Don’t Skimp on Your Setting
So, I got an email this morning from a semi-local school about doing an author talk to their kids in November, and it first it was like, Hey! Cool! Someone thinks I’m neat! But now that I’ve looked at it
Thoughts on Worldbuilding
Afternoon, Squiders. Not much has happened since we last spoke, which I find frustrating, but I have finished editing my short stories and have sent the whole lot out on rotation (which I haven’t done in a while). So here’s
Using Worldbuilding to Bring Your Story to Life
I’m into the final revision on this co-written story coming out in May, and there was some commonality among comments from the editor and our beta readers: The setting reads a little generic My main character’s initial plan seems a
Creating New Worlds
I was out with some of the guys from my speculative fiction writing group the other night (and let me tell you how lovely it is to belong to a group where everyone writes science fiction and fantasy, though the